Commission rates: Contact me, but I price my services fairly (ie not cheap).

Matt Wilson @BSMattW

Age 40


New Jersey

Joined on 7/4/02

Exp Points:
35 / 50
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
2.41 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

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Hi everyone! I'm Matt Wilson, creator of Bonus Stage, The Puzzle Hunters, Deadly Space Action, Sweet & Sour, and Princess Ness.

I'm moving to Minneapolis next month, and with that move comes higher living expenses, which puts the fate of Cartoon Drive-Thru in the public's hands. As such, I need to raise my Patreon to $500 per cartoon! Without the Patreon, these cartoons simply would not exist. I have always enjoyed the support of a dedicated handful of fans, and now I'm hoping to bring some more into the fold.

To help with this, I've added two new tiers to the Patreon. Let's start with the basics: for $1, you'll get two 60-70 second cartoon updates every month (right now it's the Puzzle Hunters). For $3, you'll also get all of the music of my cartoons as well as any random music doodling I do. $5 will also get you HD versions of the cartoon updates. $10 will give you all of the above rewards AND get you a thank you credit when the cartoons are finished and posted to Youtube/Newgrounds! $15 is all of the above and access to commentary track versions of past cartoons. Finally, $25 gets you everything AND .FLA files for every update, released under Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0).

I plan on streaming multiple nights this month to help promote the Patreon, both to stream my animation work and some games (how does Quiplash sound?). I'm also releasing some silly unrelated short-form cartoons this month and next month, as well as a little look at a cartoon that never happened (Go Ahead Make Us). The Patreon and Youtube schedule are as follows:

AUGUST 11: "Message" on YOUTUBE (one-off cartoon)
AUGUST 12: Twitch Stream
AUGUST 16: Puzzle Hunters #16 Pt. 2 on PATREON
AUGUST 19: Youtube Stream
AUGUST 30: Puzzle Hunters #17 Pt. 1 on PATREON
SEPTEMBER 6: "Go Ahead Make Us" on YOUTUBE (abandoned pilot)
SEPTEMBER 15: Puzzle Hunters #17 Pt. 2 on PATREON
SEPTEMBER 28: "Argument" on YOUTUBE (one-off cartoon)
SEPTEMBER 29: Puzzle Hunters #18 Pt. 1 on PATREON
OCTOBER 12: Puzzle Hunters #16 on YOUTUBE

It's do or die time for the channel. I've been running it for 6 years now, and I'd like to keep running it for years to come. Independent animation is just super rad and I wouldn't trade the failures and successes of it for anything else. But I may have to, if I can't afford to keep the lights on. That's why I've come to you, hat in hand, whimpering pathetically, for your help. I can't do it without you guys!

EVERY DOLLAR HELPS! Even if you can't donate, if you can spread the word on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, Friendster, MySpace, Xanga, Deadjournal, Geocities, Drawings on Cave Walls, shouting at random people on the freeway, converting into a being of pure energy and travelling the cosmos, etc. All of that helps.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your support, and have a great day!



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